个人简介:董洁, 1980年6月生,山西临汾人,2013年毕业于太原理工大学化学工程与技术专业,博士,讲师。
1. J. Dong, F. Li, K. Xie, Study on the source of Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during coal pyrolysis by PY-GC-MS, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 243(2012) 80-85. (SCI/EI收录 IF=4.173)
2. Jie Dong, Zhu Cheng, Fan Li. PAHs emission from the pyrolysis of Western Chinese coal. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis[J]. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 104(2013), 502-507. (SCI/EI收录 IF=2.687)
3. Jie Dong, Fan Li, Kechang Xie. Study on the formation mechanisms of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs during coal pyrolysis, 242nd National Meeting of the ACS. Aug 28-Sep 01, 2011, Denver, America. (SCI收录)
4. Jie Dong, Fan Li, Liping Chang. Distribution and environment significance of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from coal pyrolysis, 2011 Third International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation, 6-7 January 2011, 1100-1103. (EI收录)
5. 董洁, 李凡, 谢克昌. 煤转化过程中多环芳烃排放的研究现状[J]. 现代化工, 2009, 29(z1) , 344-346. (核心)